BMI Lab Director;

Prof.ssa Silvana Quaglini



2nd Floor, Polo didattico Cravino, segreterie Cravino entrance;
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Pavia
Via Ferrata 5 27100 Pavia (Italy)

Tel: +39-0382-98 5058
Fax: +39-0382-98 5060
E-Mail: silvana.quaglini (at)

Consulting hours

Student consulting times: on request (by e-mail)

Current Position

Full Professor of Health Care Information Systems – University of Pavia, Italy

Academic Degrees

1981 Laurea cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy

1987 PhD Bioengineering, Politecnico of Milan


1989-1992 Researcher at the Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
1992-2011 Associate Professor of Health Care Information Systems

Research Interests

Her research interest in general is about decision support systems in medicine and more particularly on basic areas such as decision theory, clinical process modeling, artificial intelligence, probabilistic systems, biomedical statistics, knowledge acquisition. Application areas include support systems for diagnosis, therapy and monitoring, such as computerized guidelines, economic evaluation models based on decision analysis, telemedicine systems and workflow management within healthcare organizations. The main medical areas covered by such applications are stroke, chronic diseases, cardiovascular risk, motor and cognitive rehabilitation. The recent push toward personalized medicine has focused the latest applications on the “shared decision making” and “context-aware home-monitoring patients”.

Academic Teaching

1992-today Medical Informatics
1992-today Decision Support in Medicine
2010-today Master’s Degree in Clinical Engineering, in collaboration with the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia
PhD Programs
1997-today Committee, PhD Programme in Health Technologies, Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
1996-2000 Campus Project: Quality Control Responsible for the curriculum of the Diploma in Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
2000-ongoing Management of Internships at the University of Pavia and industrial partners, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
2017-2018 Member, Department Commission for management of Quality and Resources, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Research Grants

National Projects (MIUR-PRIN)


1994 Informatica medica
1995 Dynamical Models of microarrays gene expression data (PRIN), Unit P.I.
1996 Sistemi informativi sanitari basati su agenti
1998-1999 Una architettura basata su agenti a supporto del lavoro cooperativo in medicina

Ministero della Salute

1997 La malattia cerebrovascolare ischemica: impatto socio-economico, linee guida diagnostico-terapeutiche ed identificatori di outcome. Studio pilota in quattro province della

Regione Lombardia

2001 Nuove modalità di rapporto pubblico-privato

Fondazione Banca Regionale Europea

2001 Un sistema informativo per la gestione dei percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici dei pazienti con patologia cerebrovascolare nel territorio della Provincia di Pavia

EU Projects

1999-2002 GAMES I: a General Architecture for Medical Expert Systems
1992-1994 GAMES II: a General architecture for Medical Expert Systems
1996-1998 HC-ReMa: health care resource management
1996-1999 T-IDDM: Telemanagement of insulin dependent diabetic mellitus patients
1998-1999 ProGuide: building and disseminating of medical guidelines
1998-2000 PATMAN: Patient Management
2001-2003 HOMEY: Home Monitoring through Intelligent Dialog System
2004-2008 MyHeart (prevention and treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases)
2011-2015 MobiGuide (guidelines telemedicine and personalized context-sensitive)
since 2019 CAPABLE ()

Organization of Scientific Events

Member of the Program Committee for AIME (biennial conference). Scientific Chair of the AIME ‘2001.
Chair for the Scientific Organizing Committee of the GNB summer school 2017.

International and National Organizations

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe (AIME)
Società Scientifica Italiana di Informatica Biomedica (SIBIM), Presidente
Italian Stroke Organisation (ISO)
GNB (Group National Bioengineering)

She regularly serves as reviewer for the international conferences AMIA and MEDINFO, and several EFMI conferences.
She is member of the TTRAM group for the HealthTechnology Assessment at the Lombardia Region.


Second prize at the ECSC (Enhancing in cancer supportive care) m-health app award 2015, funded by Helsinn, with the project “HeNeA, an app for head&neck cancer home-patients”
Swiss Bridge award for cancer research, with the project “An economic evaluation of two follow-up strategies for head&neck cancer”, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute of Milan (2013)
Poster award “A. Liberati” at the Strokeforum Conference 2012 with the work “A new functionality for the SUN-LOMBARDIA registry: monitoring patients’ enrolment and performance indicators”
Student paper award “M.Stefanelli and M. Ramoni” (co-author) AIME Conference 2011 (Bled, Slovenia) with the work “Extracting information from summary of product characteristics for improving drugs prescription safety”
Best poster award (3rd prize) at Medinfo 2010 (Cape Town, South Africa) with the work “Applying process mining techniques to analyze clinical processes”
Third best paper at Hipponion Stroke National Prize (Vibo Valentia 2008), with the work “Assessing compliance with SPREAD guidelines and its correlation with outcomes from the SUN register data”
best paper award at MIE- Medical Informatics Europe 1999 (Lubiana), with the work”A computerised guideline for pressure ulcer prevention.”

Performance as a teacher?

See the web site: – courses “INFORMATICA MEDICA – BASI DI DATI IN MEDICINA” (Ingegneria industriale e dell’informazione – Bioingegneria LT DM270)

Publication list

Author of about 270 scientific publications

Publication list in Pubmed

Profile in Google Scholar

Profile in Scopus

Bibliometric indices

as indicised by Google ScholarallSince 2015
Indice H4932
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